Marie Fedorov talks about Family Mediation Station

Divorce in a day is here

Marie Fedorov's work as a lawyer lead her to divorce in day

Start your family mediation in the morning, reach an agreement, and we draft the documents necessary to formalize your agreement that afternoon. Your parenting and property matters can be resolved in just one day!

Mediating Your Divorce In A Day

Family mediation has for a long time been an misunderstood process. When people fail to mediate an agreement it is lawyers who benefit. With a divorce in a day style family mediation you will see these benefits:

  • Significant reduction in the decision-making process
  • Less strain on all parties (specifically family members) allowing them to begin the transition to a different life quicker
  • Reduced costs by not going through a longer legal process perhaps also involving Family Court
  • Dignity and respect retained for the persons resolving the issue by using the family mediation process

It is for these reasons that Family Mediation Station was created to help couples by offer a service that was lacking nationally.

Marie Fedorov Brings Divorce In A Day To Australia

Marie Fedorov (pictured) has set a goal to facilitate these family mediation sessions using skilled mediators. By providing useful resources and mentoring we help you through the process of mediation. As a family lawyer herself she saw the problems associated with divorce settlements run by lawyers. It was this experience that lead her to bring mediated divorce to Australia.

Start Your Divorce In  Day Process

There is always a lot of work that goes into making things look easy. The mediation process starts when we assign you your mentor, a skilled and experience guide for the process ahead. We make sure that when you arrive at your mediation, you’re fully prepared to make that mediation a success. Your mentor helps you prepare for the day of mediation. That journey toward a successful mediation can start today. Make an inquiry on behalf of yourself or someone you know. We’ll be happy to explain in more detail how our mediation system works.

Nation Family Mediation

We are a national family mediation company. No matter where you live, please call us or send in an inquiry.

Start Your Divorce Process

Take the strain out of your separation by an assisted mediation process at Family Mediation Station

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